AIU held a round table in cooperation with the Republican Public Association “National Movement against Corruption “ZHANARU”

Wed, Mar 27, 2024, 10:22 AM

On March 26, 2024, the Higher School of Law of Astana International University, together with the NGO “National Movement against Corruption “ZHAGARU”, held a round table on the topic “Strategy for increasing the legal literacy of youth and strengthening trust in law enforcement agencies: a comprehensive solution to the challenges of our time”

The round table was attended by representatives of the Republican public association "National Movement Against Corruption "ZHANARU" Semgaliev Mels Zainullinovich Chairman of the RPA "National Movement Against Corruption "ZHAGARU", Abdykarimov Oralbay Abdykarimovich Honorary Chairman of the RPA "ZHANARU", state and public figure, Mynbay Darkhan Kamzabekuly State and public figure, academician of the Academy of Journalism of Kazakhstan, Mamraev Beibit Baimaganbetovich, deputy chairman of the RPA “ZHANARU”, academician, doctor of sciences, professor.

On behalf of the Higher School of Law of Astana International University Kairat Amangeldinovich Abdrakhmanov, Vice President for International Cooperation and Student Affairs, Marat Amradinovich Alenov, ex-judge, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Imanbaev Serik Mardenovich Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor of the University “Turan-Astana”, Akparova Razia Nurpeisovna senior adviser of justice, candidate of legal sciences, professor, Moskal Sergey Ivanovich 3rd year student, Sarsenova Nargiz Syrymkyzy 2nd year student of the Higher School of Law of the International University, etc. took part in the event.

At the round table, issues of the involvement of youth and civil society in the anti-corruption policy of the state were discussed; affirmation in the minds of young people and society as a whole of the irreversibility of the processes of forming a sustainable anti-corruption culture; informing the public about achievements in the field of anti-corruption.

Based on the results of the round table, the following recommendations were developed.

- create Centers for working with the public at the prosecutor's offices of the regions and cities such as Almaty, Astana, Shymkent, communicating the latter's opinion to senior leaders of law enforcement agencies;

- intensify the work of law enforcement agencies to interact and involve the media in their activities;

- organize programs for general legal education of the population, including young people, to highlight new legislation and the results of the work of law enforcement agencies on regional and republican radio and television channels;

In order to increase the level of trust in law enforcement agencies, organize on a systematic basis the following:

- days of remembrance of employees who died in the line of duty;

- days of honoring employees who particularly distinguished themselves in the performance of their official duties;

- law enforcement officers carry out crime prevention activities with the involvement of young people (high school students, college students, higher educational institutions).

- in order to increase the legal literacy of young people, organize seminars and round tables to discuss issues of interaction between the population and law enforcement agencies, including those affecting corruption, and the legislative basis of their activities.

B AIU прошел круглый стол совместно с РОО «Общенациональное движение против коррупции «ЖАҢАРУ»