"School Startups: "Business Innovation for School 2024""

Mon, Apr 22, 2024, 11:55 AM

In the age of technological progress, the ideas of young people play a key role in shaping the future of business and society as a whole. Therefore, it is not surprising that every year startup project contests for schoolchildren are becoming more popular and attractive. In this context, April 19, 2024 became an important date for the innovation community, as the successful competition "Business Innovation for School 2024" was held, organized by Astana International University in partnership with American Corner and Dodo Pizza. The participants of the competition were represented by schoolchildren from 24 teams. Astana, such as NISH, BINOM, IQanat, Lyceum No. 37 and others.

The ideas presented at the competition were diverse and fascinating. They covered various fields, including technology, medicine, ecology, education and much more. However, despite the diversity, all the projects had one thing in common - the desire to change the world for the better through innovation.

The expert jury examined each project, assessing its potential and feasibility. After long discussions and analysis, the jury selected the winners, whose projects were recognized as the most promising and innovative.

The winners of the "Business Innovation for School 2024" competition are:

1st place - the "ARA Team" Harmony Steam school team consisting of Rakishev Ramadan, Sarsengalieva Aya and Ybysh Altair;

2nd place – the «Iqanat» team IQanat High School of Burabay consisting of Mammadova Zarina, Mayevskaya Margarita and Beysenbek Elnur;

3rd place - the team "Team reSet" Gymnasium No. 17 named after A. Kurmanov, consisting of Batanov Alisher, Zholdasbek Isa and Saparbayev Mansur.

Thus, the successful holding of the Business Innovation for School 2024 competition has become a vivid example of how schoolchildren can generate business ideas and bring them to life. This competition is not just a competition of projects, but also a platform for the birth of new ideas, on which the future of our country is being shaped.